přihlášený uživatel: nikdo nepřihlášen!
Horský hotel Lesná lies in the northern part of Krušné hory directly on the mountain ridge of a rise bearing the same name not far from the North-Bohemian towns of Chomutov and Most. This part of our country was unjustly forgotten in the past due to excessive mining. But nowadays it can be proudly compared to the other mountain regions.

Compared to other Czech and Moravian mountains Krušné hory have one big advantage – you will not meet crowds of tourists during your trips and you will be able to fully absorb the gracious beauty of the surrounding nature. From the point of view of tourism Krušné hory can be divided into three regions. The northern and central parts are similar. The western part of Krušné hory is more rugged, furrowed by valleys. The terraced mountain ridge is clearer in the northern part of the mountain ridge. You can walk or ride around it virtually without losing height.

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