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Krušné hory are the second oldest mountain range in Bohemia and they form a continuous mountain range over 130 kms long which forms a natural border between the Czech Republic and Germany in northwest Bohemia. On the Czech side of Krušné hory the difference in altitude between the foothills and the ridge is up to 700 metres while on the Saxon side the altitude increases gradually. The steep slopes remind us of fortifications, the natural border of Czech Republic.

Until 1947 Krušné hory were among the most densely populated mountain ranges due to deposits of raw materials. Because of the mining of ores a large number of people came from different parts of Europe. But after this year the infamous history of expatriation and demolished villages as part of the bombastic actions of the 1950´s started. A number of settlements and villages were destroyed above all on the mountain sides and ridges of Krušné hory. The creation of the frontier zone sealing the whole of Krušné hory then completed the work of destruction. Since the middle of the 1960´s when this zone was abolished human effort contributed probably to the only positive task, that is the phenomenon of visiting holiday homes (cottages). In general cottagers saved thousands of valuable country buildings and maintained their aesthetic value. Thanks to that several settlements and small villages continued to exist. Although life here is really harsh (“harsh“ = “krušný“), the name of the mountains is not connected with bad weather. The Czech name “krušné“ comes from the word “krušiti“, which means the same as panning, in this case mining.

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