přihlášený uživatel: nikdo nepřihlášen!
What will the registration bring? After registering on our web presentation for a start you will be able to book accommodation and later also other services offered by the hotel. You will also receive e-mails with information about interesting actions organized by the hotel and you will be the first to be informed. Please fill in all the data in the form below. Your e-mail is also your user name. Do not forget to confirm your consent with the processing of personal data.
Emailová address:
Last name:
Phone number:
Paasword confirmation:
Consent with the processing of personal data:
      with the processing of the completed personal data in accordance with law no. 101/2000 Coll. about the protection of personal data. By this I grant this consent for an indefinite period of time and can revoke it in written form at any time.

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